It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Little Feet Nursery
As the manager of Little Feet Nursery, along with my assistant manager, we take immense pleasure in showcasing the wealth of experience, which we offer to the children coming to our nursery. Under my leadership, and as a team working together, we continuously strive to provide enabling safe and holistic, student-centric environment and atmosphere to our children for multifaceted development, where they are encouraged to channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. With an excellent adult-to-child care ratio and balance between learning and play Little Feet Nursery provides a solid foundation for your child’s education. I believe in taking a ‘No Pressure” approach and love to encourage children to pursue their own development in a warm and nurturing environment. It gives me immense satisfaction in imparting knowledge to so many little angels. The real remuneration for me is when the parents of our nursery children shower compliments and express their gratification after their small children show improvement and pick up new mannerisms. The blowing winds of change are unleashing multitudes of new challenges, leaving none to remain immune to its inexorable forces. Little Feet Nursery, is fully aware of these challenges and have geared up to align our institution to international standards by adopting the latest pedagogy, teaching aids and methodology including online classes and using latest tools like AR/VR to give real life stimulation & excitement which helps in bringing curriculum to a level which empowers all our children to try their best and achieve beyond expectations
We believe in a joyful experimental learning system where each child is encouraged to participate wholeheartedly, so our course councilor has put in her years of experience to blend STEAM curriculum with our existing Montessori curriculum. With the teachers being their facilitators, our nursery strives hard to make the best possible efforts to inculcate strong values combining with academics and extra-curricular activities
The teachers are the most strengthening power in molding the future of the children. Their consistent support empowers me to do more and more. I pay my gratitude to them for their faith in me. I am confident enough that the shinning stars of Little Feet Nursery will make themselves shine day by day, adding a new leaf to the grandeur of the nursery, which is known to impart quality education for close to two decades
With a long and rewarding history of achievements and testimonials from the parents, we continue to move forward with confidence, pride and enthusiasm.I welcome you now, to explore more about us. Hope you enjoy your visit to our website
Yours in Education
Khurshid V. Mcwan
Manager Little Feet Nursery

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